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Trip-you-up banter or old-fashioned nostalgia, Brian’s day job is fleeting meetings with a diverse bunch of characters sat in his barbershop chair. ‘Barber’s Dozen’ weaves their varied tales together.
With a quick cut and an even quicker wit, a taste of real life is order of the day at Brian's cockney barbershop. With an eye for the extraordinary in the ordinary, delve into a world rarely seen on the big screen.
Trip you up banter or old fashioned nostalgia, Brian's day job is fleeting meetings with a diverse bunch of characters sat in his barbershop chair. Meet Terry, a London cab driver with a story for every scar on his balding head. And Simon, a farmer whose parents snubbed his third birthday to attend the Queen's Coronation. Then there's Roland, a retired boxing champion who carries his musical ivory bones everywhere, even at the threat of police arrest. It is the duty of Brian, their long-standing, faithful barber to swiftly see to their wayward locks whilst entertaining their life stories.
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