
Cigarette Break
UK PremiereJan Kwiecinski | United Kingdom | 13 mins
Short documentary about people's reflections during the cigarette break. Shot on the streets of London in the summer of 2010.
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London PremiereBertie Telezynski | United Kingdom | 10 mins
Centered on late night inhabitants of a launderette, this short reflexive documentary gives an existential insight into the human condition.
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Making Dough
World Premiere Watch trailerAnne Loriot | United Kingdom | 18 mins
Threatened by the chains of mass production, local artisan shops are disappearing quickly, along with their knowledge and secrets. As a portrait of a traditional bakery, Making Dough offers an insight into the process and beauty of a vanishing trade: making bread by hand. Early mornings, long hours and physical labour make up the bakers’ ‘daily bread’. Why become a baker? Five characters from the Old Post Office Bakery in London reveal their motivation and the meaning behind making dough.
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Barber’s Dozen
Tara Manandhar, David O'Neill | United Kingdom | 7 mins
Blurring the boundaries between drama and documentary, Barber's Dozen is a fast paced doc which will trip you up with it's banter and leave you craving more.
With a quick cut and an even quicker wit, a taste of real life is order of the day at Brian's cockney barbershop. With an eye for the extraordinary in the ordinary, delve into a world rarely seen on the big screen.
Trip you up banter or old fashioned nostalgia, Brian's day job is fleeting meetings with a diverse bunch of characters sat in his barbershop chair. Meet Terry, a London cab driver with a story for every scar on his balding head. And Simon, a farmer whose parents snubbed his third birthday to attend the Queen's Coronation. Then there's Roland, a retired boxing champion who carries his musical ivory bones everywhere, even at the threat of police arrest. It is the duty of Brian, their long-standing, faithful barber to swiftly see to their wayward locks whilst entertaining their life stories.
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Me and Mine
Jan Dixon, Emily Dixon | United Kingdom | 14 mins
Me & Mine is a short documentary film that aims to explore the collective identity of a city's community. Through conversation with people young:old, male:female, gay:straight, black:white (to name a few) it explores the eclectic network of relationships and highlights the diversity within the city. Uncovering a wealth of contrasts and revealing how easily human relationships can transcend the boundaries of social segregation, Me & Mine explores the theme of identity beyond the physical, cultural and spiritual and celebrates the core values of love, respect, support and the everyday experience.
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London PremiereDes Hamilton | United Kingdom | 3 mins
ARNICA is a son's love letter to his dead father.
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The Birdman of Tamworth
Alastair Uhlig | United Kingdom | 11 mins
Bridie Spicer, talks about coming to terms with the loss of her son, Leon, a private in the Staffordshire Regiment, British Army, killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq in 2005. He had been in Iraq for only seven weeks.
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One Foot on the Ground
World PremiereMatthew Copson | 24 mins
The story of Andrei, a young and promising basketball player growing up in Moldova, a European country still coming to terms with the break up of the Soviet Union in 1991 and struggling to find its own identity in the face of political tensions and economic hardships. A fiercely intelligent and driven young man, Andrei spends his time working on a construction site but now must decide whether to pursue his passion or stay in the country and try and pave a future for himself and his family there.
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