LIDF 2018
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Eckhard Kruse |

Compiling shots from different parts of the world, the film takes a humourous look at - somehow very strange - human behaviour.

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Adele Wilkes |

'Face' focuses on Beautiful Agony, on ongoing collaborative art project that collects video self-portraits of faces during orgasm. A filmmaker who has been working behind the scenes on the project....

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Feeling the Air

Manuele Cecconello |

Feeling the air is a journey through images and sounds into the secret bond between a boy and the solitude of the pastures, in search of a new identity.

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Filming: An Everyday Struggle

Nicolas Ploumpidis |

The voice here is that of those who still try to create “cinema d’auteur” in Greece.

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Jacob Secher Schulsinger |

Fini is in his bed. It is dark outside and he doesn't want to get up.

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Fishcakes & Cocaine

Alex Nevill |

Revolving around four unorthodox inhabitants of an isolated Hebridean peninsula, this documentary affords an insight into off-grid being, exploring the peculiarities of living in a harsh natural environment while intimately....

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Fishing in Esperanza

Anders Flatlandsmo | ,

A filmmaker, a society and a fisherman, all hoping for something, a change, a basic incident to happen.

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Fishing With Popo

Wing Yan Lilian, Fu |

As she visits her grandmother’s grave, a girl remembers the funeral, her grandmother’s vivid storytelling and a curious dream that she had of her grandmother in her after-life.

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Matthew Lancit |


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