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Feeling the air is a journey through images and sounds into the secret bond between a boy and the solitude of the pastures, in search of a new identity.
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Feeling the air is a journey through images and sounds into the secret bond between a boy and the solitude of the pastures, in search of a new identity.
Directors: Manuele Cecconello
Producers: Manuele Cecconello
Photography: Manuele Cecconello
Editing: Manuele Cecconello
Sound: Manuele Cecconello
Music: Andrea Dalla Fontana
Production Company: Prospettiva Nevskij
Orginal Title: Sentire l'aria
UK Classification: None
Subtitles: Yes
Voiceover: No
Country: Italy
Length: 94 min
Colour: Yes
Website: http://www.sentirelaria.it
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