
The Chewing Gum Man
UK PremiereAna de la Válgoma Romero | United Kingdom | 18 mins
Sometimes things are not what they seem to be at first sight. When I first noticed Ben Wilson in London's suburb Muswell Hill, I thought he was homeless. But sometimes you just have to take a closer look at things. That is how my documentary "the chewing gum man" was born.
For a couple of months I followed Ben Wilson all over London, keeping records of his daily working routine. I got to know a very special man, an artist, a libertine.
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Democratic Locations
World PremiereThomas Kutschker | Germany | 6 mins
Many historic places are now transformed into city squares, or shopping centres, or new roads. These sites where momentous event occurred are now no different to any other place. Everything seems mundane, where once History happened. How do we keep that History alive? Is there some residue present in these locations of uprising, demonstration and manifestation.
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World PremiereFrederik Jan Depickere | Belgium | 12 mins
A minimalist portrait of a night guard contemplating violence and his place in the universe
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Space Station
UK PremiereFelicitas Sonvilla | Germany | 8 mins
An airport. People are waiting for their flight home, crossing, touching, each other´s lives for a short moment. How do they spend their time in this strange, artificial place? A short documentary about the feeling of transit and non-places.
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Out of the Game
World PremiereKatharine Round | United Kingdom | 18 mins
“For me, it just feels like how it felt from day one. You're stuck here, you're going to stay here. For better or worse, you are someone from the gutter" (Oli, 18)
Tower Hamlets in London is one of the most deprived parts of the country: gang culture is commonplace, there is a lack of well paid jobs, and high rates of disease and ill health. It is also one of the boroughs hosting the upcoming Olympics. Against this backdrop three young people are refusing to conform to stereotypes. Instead they devote their time to teaching and inspiring a new generation of children in sports ranging from football to fencing, hoping to create a legacy in time for the Olympics in 2012.
18 year old Oli turned his back on the street gang that formed his social circle to run one of the biggest sports clubs for young children in the area, losing his pronounced stutter only when he teaches; 19 year old Marlan has been able to support his young family with income earned as a sports teacher; and 19 year old Iffath has helped to turn racial and sexual prejudices on their head, helping others to look beyond the hijab and see the football player inside.
Oli, Marlan and Iffath tell their own stories, in their own words. Sport has given them their voice, and one they will fight to keep. As they train groups of young children to take part in the biggest inter-school sports competition in the borough, we see them losing themselves in the game, taming bad behaviour and spotting gifted youngsters. Off the pitch, they’re dealing with the unique growing pains of being a teenager in Tower Hamlets: forming new friendships, embarking on university, providing for their own families, and fighting the cultural prejudices that prevent some from reaching their full potential.
As well as a film about the power of sport, this is a film about the human spirit and fighting for what you believe in: As their lives take an unexpected turn, these teenagers are fighting to ensure that Britain has a sporting legacy to be proud of.
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