Vermont, Montpelier
World PremiereCarlos Martin - Penasco | Spain | 22 mins
“That Sunday morning, my father woke up and went to the bathroom. After a shower, he noticed he couldn't comb his hair properly. He headed for the kitchen where my mother and some old friends of them were having breakfast. He walked in saying no word, sat at the table, stared at his cup of coffee and put strawberry jam in it. That's how it all started.”
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Tree of Forgetting
World PremiereDan Luis Boord Valdovino | United States | 9 mins
The world's shortest short story takes a detour to a place where time is a forking path of possibilities leading to the same eventuality, the past. A place where it was possible to vanish among family and friends and where the places and things of everyday life may also take on horrific features and meanings. 'Tree of Forgetting' is a place where a poet laureate may aspire to become an inspector of chickens and where many live in a state of exile.
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UK PremiereKasia Køhler Larsen | Denmark | 7 mins
A diary note from a place, a place once called home. A diary note from an old father, who lives alone in a big house filled with memories of the one and only love that never came back. A diary note about the love, still alive in a house full of loneliness.
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European PremiereDamon Logan | Australia, Thailand | 11 mins
Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand. For thousands of Thai children it provides short-term relief from poverty. Some of them may become champions. For many, the training and fights are brutal.
In a training camp on the outskirts of Bangkok eight boys and one girl live, train and fight.
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Fishing With Popo
European Premiere Watch trailerWing Yan Lilian, Fu | Hong Kong | 9min mins
A video-recorded interview with my grandmother in 2007 was part of an early exercise in visual ethnographic research. Ever since she died two years ago, other than her talking head footage, there has not been much left for our recollection of her, be it objects, photos, or other video documents. Hence there are many gaps and patches of emptiness in term of information. However, I found that, among all things, our memories of her are the most powerful resources if we want to trace who she is. Memories work in mysterious ways: how we recall a person may discount the ‘fact’, and yet the speaker’s recollection may alter the person remembered due to her personal point of view, personality, language habits and choice of vocabulary.
During the production process, I found that animation is a powerful method as it reviews the past in a more emotion-driven and intimate way which fills the gaps that live-action/photographic media rarely achieve.
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European PremiereRamtin Nikzad | United States | mins
In the aftermath of the Iraq war, Abdul Ameer Alwan seeks asylum in the USA. There he experiences overwhelming isolation and anonymity. A renowned painter in his native Iraq, his artwork had been inspired by routine encounters in his neighbourhood. Now, living abroad, he is disconnected from the source of his creativity. Meanwhile, his young daughter Aman, born just weeks before the 2003 invasion, has spent most of her life outside Iraq and retains only the faintest understanding of her country of birth. The film explores a relationship between a father and a daughter through the themes of memory, culture, identity, and displacement.
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