
Old Wild Lorenz
Alessandro Soetje | Germany
Old Wild Lorenz portrays with a curious and watchful eye the world of an artist-farmer who lives in solitude on tourism, and whose works of art -- made of stones,....
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Kortokraks – I’m just not dead enough!
Petra Hinterberger | Austria
“Why should I force myself to be modern?” – asks Rudolf Korokraks for whom it is important not to be regarded as a Salzburg artist, but as an artist who....
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The Safest Nuclear Power Plant in the World
Helena Hufnage | Germany
There is a nuclear power plant in Zwentendorf, Austria. Since 1978 the plant has been ready for operation. Shortly before it’s official opening popular protest prevented the start up of....
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Waidmannsheil: ‘Hail to the Good Shooter’
Klaas Boelen | Belgium
As the exciting adventures of a group of bourgeois hunters in a dense Belgian forest unfold, power and weakness go hand in hand in one of the most primitive experiences of being human.
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IBIZA Occident
In the Hollywood of electronic music, musicians, DJs, gogos and promoters are working on a sophisticated entertainment machine to satisfy stressed-out Western society's desire for fun, sex and freedom.
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Dorothea Carl I Claudia Reiche | Germany
Demolition of buildings in Hamburg offer spectacles of precise destruction. The film adds in-depth interviews of those affected.
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Aris Chatzistefanou, Katerina Kitidi | Greece
The causes of the Greek debt crisis and solutions sidelined by the mainstream media
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The Chewing Gum Man
Ana de la Válgoma Romero | United Kingdom
“Sometimes things are not what they seem to be at first sight. When I first noticed Ben Wilson, I thought he was homeless. But sometimes you just have to take a closer look at things.”
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