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A man who has all the success he can want in life, decides to strip himself of all material objects in order to attain a clear, pure mind for thought and Philosophy…
It is 2010. Baggio was a successful footballer, martial artist and a pianist living the high life of fame and fortune. Unfortunately, all of this does not help Baggio satisfy the nagging need to do ‘something’ with his life. So he decides to drop everything, give away everything, and become - a philosopher!
In order to attain a clear, pure mind for thought and philosophy he rents a van, empties his apartment, and puts all his belongings in the street for passerby's to pickup at no cost.
Baggio strips naked, folds his clothes and walks into the park for refuge and sanctuary, and inner peace. After a couple of hours, cold and hungry, he finds himself back where he left his belongings, and is surprised that none of his belongings have been touched. Frustrated Baggio makes the ultimate sacrifice, and decides to give away his freewill. Taken in by Leo, a lonely recovering alcoholic, Baggio is at first excited about the proposition, but it has unexpected consequences.
In order to attain a clear, pure mind for thought and philosophy he rents a van, empties his apartment, and puts all his belongings in the street for passerby's to pickup at no cost.
Baggio strips naked, folds his clothes and walks into the park for refuge and sanctuary, and inner peace. After a couple of hours, cold and hungry, he finds himself back where he left his belongings, and is surprised that none of his belongings have been touched. Frustrated Baggio makes the ultimate sacrifice, and decides to give away his freewill. Taken in by Leo, a lonely recovering alcoholic, Baggio is at first excited about the proposition, but it has unexpected consequences.
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