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A son, a father. The first one holds a camera; the second one holds the title ambassador. The camera trembles, the ambassador remains still.
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A son, a father. The first one holds a camera; the second one holds the title ambassador. The camera trembles, the ambassador remains still.
Directors: Jan Czarlewski
Producers: ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne
Photography: Jan Czarlewski
Editing: Jan Czarlewski
Sound: Jan Czarlewski
Music: Ignacy Paderewski
Production Company: ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne
AWARDS : - Locarno, Festival del film Locarno, Pardino d’oro (Concorso nazionale) 2011 - Firenze, Festival dei Popoli, Menzione spéciale 2011 - Luzern, Bundesamt für Kultur, Swiss Film Prize Quartz « Best Short Film » 2012 (Nomination) - Angers, Premiers Plans, Prize EFA (European Film Awards) – EFA Angers Short Film Nominee 2012.
Orginal Title: L'Ambassadeur & moi
UK Classification: None
Subtitles: Yes
Voiceover: Yes
Country: Switzerland
Length: 15 min
Colour: Yes
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