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Masculine noun, shortened form of striptease. From "strip", to remove, to take away, and "tease", to entice, to tempt. And then all this in the plural.
Masculine noun, shortened form of striptease. From "strip", to remove, to take away, and "tease", to entice, to tempt. And then all this in the plural.
In Strips, a vintage erotic film is cut into stripes and then reassembled. As these filmstrips are displaced and manipulated, a shift from figuration to abstraction occurs. A playful look at what is shown and hidden in the image, on erotism, and the ideas of presence and absence.
In Strips, a vintage erotic film is cut into stripes and then reassembled. As these filmstrips are displaced and manipulated, a shift from figuration to abstraction occurs. A playful look at what is shown and hidden in the image, on erotism, and the ideas of presence and absence.
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