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The story of one day in Smara, a refugee camp in the south of Algeria. A handmade symbolic token takes us through the lives of six characters and the reality of the situation in Sahara.
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The story of one day in Smara, a refugee camp in the south of Algeria. A handmade symbolic token takes us through the lives of six characters and the reality of the situation in Sahara.
Directors: Fany de la Chica
Producers: Fany de la Chica
Photography: Mike Jacob
Editing: Mar S.Prieto
Sound: Adam M.Aguiar
Production Company: ChicaStories/Etniko films
Best short film, Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Concordia, Argentina
Orginal Title: Un día en Smara
Subtitles: Yes
Voiceover: No
Country: Spain
Language: Arabic
Length: 24 min
Colour: Yes
Website: http://www.undiaensmara.tk
Watch trailerKeywords: Human Rights, Politics, refugee camp, Sahara, social documentary
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