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Tunisian-Franco filmmaker Nadia El Fani, an avowed atheist, takes a personal approach to this cinematic exploration of secularism in the Muslim country of Tunisia before and after the deposition of Ben Ali. The film, which was made by at the height of the 2010-2011 revolutions in North Africa, has proven so controversial that it has made the director a target of extremist death threats.
Nadia El Fani films a country which seems open to the principle of freedom of conscience and liberal in its relationship to Islam. 3 months later, the Tunisian Revolution breaks out, Nadia is out in the field. While the Arab World enters an era of radical change, Tunisia, which initiated the wind of revolt, is once again a 'laboratory country' testing its attitudes towards religion and secularism.
Nadia El Fani films a country which seems open to the principle of freedom of conscience and liberal in its relationship to Islam. 3 months later, the Tunisian Revolution breaks out, Nadia is out in the field. While the Arab World enters an era of radical change, Tunisia, which initiated the wind of revolt, is once again a 'laboratory country' testing its attitudes towards religion and secularism.
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