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A touching, poetic exploration of the relationship between mind, body and sound, and a cinematic journey to the borders of communication
A touching, poetic exploration of the relationship between mind, body and sound, and a cinematic journey to the borders of communication. Nicola Bellucci's documentary tells the extraordinary story of Wolfgang Fasser, a blind musician and soundscape artist who works with severy handicapped children, helping them to find a place in a world not made for them. On his own way into darkness, Fasser discovered the world of sounds, a parallel universe to our visual world. His far-reaching explorations of sound's effect on body and mind led him to the field of music-therapy. Today the Swiss native lives and works in a beautiful mountain village in Tuscany. Most of his young patients have multiple disabilities; some are blind and can't speak, others seem to be completely oblivious to the world around them. Step by step, through the use of all kind of sounds, Fasser establishes a dialog with the children and dramatically improves their capabilities of expression and perception. In his free time, Fasser often hikes alone or with his dog through the vallies of Tuscany, recording soundscapes with his digital recorder. For him, these recordings are like post cards, he says, because it's through sound that he sees and remembers the places he visits. Nel giardino dei suoni is a film with an engaging story and strong images.
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