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A remarkable film made by the young people, children, that live amongst the massive refuse tip of Maputo. With brutal realism, and without commentary, their everyday struggle for survival is revealed..
The images are those of the post-apocalypse so often depicted in Hollywood sci-fi films and dystopias. But this is today, and this is here. Children perched on rubbish trucks, the delivery of fresh refuse, a lethal cocktail of food that putrefies and ferments in tin cans. Nothing is left to the imagination and everything seems shockingly normal. At the end, in front of the cameras, the kids launch themselves into an excited dance expressing a mocking, indomitable vitality.
A film that must pierce the heart and conscience of anyone who consumes and discards without thought. A film that highlights the terrible differences between rich and poor, and makes a mockery of the notion of a trickle-down state, and emphasises even more brutally the slack waters of globalisation. It is a scene that Virgil would surely have found time to show Dante. A film about what we prefer not to see, but must.
The images are those of the post-apocalypse so often depicted in Hollywood sci-fi films and dystopias. But this is today, and this is here. Children perched on rubbish trucks, the delivery of fresh refuse, a lethal cocktail of food that putrefies and ferments in tin cans. Nothing is left to the imagination and everything seems shockingly normal. At the end, in front of the cameras, the kids launch themselves into an excited dance expressing a mocking, indomitable vitality.
A film that must pierce the heart and conscience of anyone who consumes and discards without thought. A film that highlights the terrible differences between rich and poor, and makes a mockery of the notion of a trickle-down state, and emphasises even more brutally the slack waters of globalisation. It is a scene that Virgil would surely have found time to show Dante. A film about what we prefer not to see, but must.
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