UK PremiereHuang Hsinyao | Taiwan, Province of China | 36 mins
Kouhu, a small town along the west coast of Taiwan, is a place where land disappears and reappears. Twenty years ago the wetlands reappeared, turning the residents of Kouhu into one form of “climate refugees”. Nimbus explores the ecology of the wetlands and lagoons of Kouhu Township and the lives of the people.
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A Formal Film in Nine Episodes, Prologue & Epilogue
World Premiere Watch trailerMario Pfeifer | India | 52 mins
A FORMAL FILM IN NINE EPISODES, PROLOGUE & EPILOGUE describes a contemporary Asian Metropolis. Observational, and anthropological, the nine episodes portray landscapes, architecture, interiors, humans in rural communities and in factories, the ancient and the modern. Every episode shares a miraculous beauty, and a critical, self-reflexive exploration of the cities development. Slowly two characters emerge and the film develops into a narrative which follows the two characters through time and space. Shot on 35mm in only single takes, and entirely on location in the city of Mumbai and its periphery the film defies genres.
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