
Heroes and Heroines
World Premiere Watch trailerFilippo Papini, Danilo Monte | Italy, Nepal | 52 mins
A day in the life of a group of Nepalese street children. The camera follows them as they wake, suffer the cold, search for glue to sniff, as they play games, as they laugh. In appalling conditions they survive, charming and reckless. But, someone is looking out for them in the middle of the city that ignores them.
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UK PremiereAnnja Krautgasser | Austria | 16 mins
The camp, home to Roma and located in Rome’s Centocello neighborhood, represents normality. The world outside is a “hobby” and they don’t know precisely what it is. Or it’s a dream that fills out their reality. Reality is for them a dreary life of poverty and even worse prospects for employment. For this reason the young people who are given an opportunity to work with cameras and ask the questions in this video project tend to depict themselves while dreaming. Or actively shaping a social role they grow out of in their play with and in front of the camera rather than (re)presenting it as their personal fate.
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