
Grandma Neyde`s House
European PremiereCaio Cavechini | Brazil | 20 mins
It had once been a full house, full of family, food, laughter. Now Grandma Neyde lives alone except for her crack addict son, whom she protects and cares for even though he is violent, keeping others from the house, shaming her and tiring her out. Finally, things must change. The last chance is to seek help and leave the house. Still Grandma Neyde sticks by her son, waiting for the time he might return.
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Aside the Sea
European PremiereSine Skibsholt | Denmark | 29 mins
A portrait of a vanishing place and it's family of men: In the far North of Denmark lies the small fishing village Thorupstrand. It is the last place left where an otherwise extinct life form still exists, and where things are the way they've always been: The boats are pulled up upon the beach, there is no harbour. Weather conditions are foretold by watching the waves. Everybody knows everybody and their fathers before them. It's a tough and harsh life here. The young fishermen head out to sea, while the older fishermen wait on shore, hoping for the big catch. Many myths about the sea are told, as well as stories about life, and the ancient struggle with nature is always present.
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Crossed Out
European PremiereRoberto Duarte | Mexico, Sweden | 28 mins
Roberto left Mexico when he was 17. Now he comes back with his 4 year old daughter. Growing up in Mexico City, Roberto had seen haunting photographs at his grandmothers house: children, who's faces had been erased, cut out, taped over – images about which no-one will speak openly. They are simply referred to as 'the erased ones' and Roberto has only heard their real names mentioned in hushed conversation - and never in front of his grandmother.
Nobody in the family dares to talk to his grandmother about these pictures. But Roberto always had a special relationship with her and if there ever was a perfect occasion to raise the forbidden subject - it would be her 90th birthday party, when his entire family will be assembled. Not wanting his daughter to grow up in a family full of secrets he decides to confront his family over their dark and secret story.
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With Fidel whatever happens
World PremiereGoran Radovanovic | Montenegro, Serbia | 47 mins
Sierra Maestra, Cuba, 850 km east of Havana.
The day before the celebration of the 52nd anniversary of the Revolution.
An old man is repair a motorcycle a few decades old.
A young dentist is trying to find some transport to a clinic in a remote mountain, where - among other patients - he is to treat a patient called Vladimir Ilich Rodriguez.
A middle-aged married couple has a public telephone booth in their modest house for villagers who have no phone.
The fate of these people and many other inhabitants of Sierra Maestra, are depicted on a day of ideological ecstasy, the day of the celebration of the 52nd anniversary of the Revolution ... And the following day?
The next day, they all return to the rhythm of everyday life and it's lack of promise. Even the speakers that constantly blast out 52 years old ideological slogans..
But the revolution continues...
Con Fidel, pase lo que pase.
'With Fidel, come what may'.
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Better on the Inside
UK PremiereChristopher Haysom | Australia | 6 mins
Graham has Sotos syndrome; similar to autism. He was diagnosed at the age of 3 and he has just celebrated his 29th birthday.
The film explores the social, cultural and personal aspects of the relationships people share with those who have a disability. It does so from the perspectives of three individuals. The mother, drafted into the role of full time carer for 29 years. The younger sister, coming to terms with her brother's disability and learning to communicate with him. And her boyfriend, the outsider who has no prior experience with special needs.
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