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A small village in Slovakia consists almost entirely of the elderly. With nothing much in town to occupy the residents, their lives seem to revolve around the public announcements that ring out from speakers affixed to poles and houses. The most important news of the season: a new funeral director is needed for the crowded, unkempt graveyard. Who will get the job? Who wants it? A portrait of the slow death of a village, where the old times are already gone and the new ones have not yet arrived. Beautifully captured by Brobik's camera, Where the Sun Doesn't Rush is a film Brobik made as a student at the Polish National Film School.
Film Credits
Directors: Matej Bobrik
Producers: Andrzej Bednarek
Photography: Artur Sienicki
Editing: Barbara Snarska
Sound: Mariko Saga
Production Company: Polish National Film
Best Documentary Cortopotere, Italy, 2010, Best Short/Documentary New York Polish Film Festival 2009, Special Mention 49th Krakow Film Festival, Poland 2009
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